
A study of second to fourth digit ratio in relation to verbal and numerical intelligence among medical students


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Introduction and Aim:Periarthritis shoulder is generally defined as a self - limiting disorder that affects mostly the diabetic persons. Periarthritis shoulder affects the older population with females at its peak.This study was intended to find out whether all the shoulder pain subjects were victims of periarthritis shoulder and to analyse the prevalence of periarthritis among subjects who were suffering from shoulder. Materials and Methods:This study was a prospective, observational study conducted on the patients who visited the outpatient Physiotherapy Departments. Nearly 300 patients who came with shoulder pain were taken as samples. A detailed explanation about the purpose of the study was given to the subjects. The subjects included were based on the inclusion criteria pain more than 1 month, both male and female, age group of 40-60 years, both dominant and non-dominant hand, history of shoulder pain at night, progressive limitation of shoulder movement, particularly a reduction of at least half the normal range of abduction and external rotation. Results:Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria nearly 300 participants were selected and they were asked to fill the SPADI questionnaire. Out of 300 participants nearly 127 subjects were concluded with positive signs of periarthritis shoulder. Conclusion: The result obtained from our study states that the severity of the disease is more among the female population. The subjects who are suffering from shoulder pain must be taken into anticipation that in future they may develop shoulder periarthritis.
numerical intelligence,fourth digit ratio,medical students
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