
Quantitative Spectral Electromechanical Characterization of Soft Piezoelectric Nanocomposites

Sensors and actuators A, Physical(2021)

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We present a modular system for the quantitative characterization of the piezoelectric coefficient of piezoelectric polymers and soft polymeric nanocomposites in the compression mode. Our approach is based on an apparatus providing spectral information on the electro-mechanical response in aselected range of frequencies of compressive loads (10-1200 Hz), with high sensitivity (down to 0.5 pC/N) and automated data acquisition modalities, enabling repeatability and reproducibility of the electro-mechanical characterization in the low-force regime (0.1 N 1.5 N). The system is modular and can be developed to cover the 2 mHz-1.2Hz frequency range in charge mode and the 2 mu Hz-1200 Hz in voltage mode. We calibrated and validated the apparatus functionality using a commercial PVDF piezoelectric polymer. The suitability of the system for the quantitative measurements of the piezoelectricity of soft polymeric nanocomposites was then assessed by performing measurements of a novel piezoelectric nanocomposite material. This consisted of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix with embedded BaTiO3 nanoparticles, engineered with functional surface coatings to favor their homogeneous dispersion into the polymer. The proposed system demonstrated to be an effective solution for the systematic characterization of the electro-mechanical conversion properties of soft piezoelectric materials in view of soft robotics and energy harvesting applications. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposites,Piezoelectric coefficient,Functionalized piezoelectric nanoparticles,Spectral electro-mechanical characterization,Energy harvesting devices,Soft robotics
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