
Sustainable Use of Fig Species Provides Nutrition and Medicine for Ethnic Minority Communities in the Southern Shan State of Myanmar


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Abstract Background: Fig trees are ecological keystone species in many tropical regions and play important roles in the spirituality, nutrition and health for many rural communities. Although the tropical forests in Myanmar contain many fig species, little ethnobotanical knowledge on their uses has been recorded.Information about the uses and conservation related actions of figswould be helpful in development ofstrategic policy for sustainable use and biodiversity conservation of the country. We showcase the rich ethnobotanical knowledge as well as the variety of collection and conservation practices related to figs among five ethnic groups in Southern Shan State. Methods: We performed both key informant and semi-structured interviews with 114 informants from five ethnic groups. Their uses for figs were categorized according to local practices and recipes. Informants were asked about trends in conservation status over the past 10 years and any conservation related customs and practices. Data were analyzed quantitatively by use report (UR) and use value (UV). Results: Informants reported the uses of eight fig species (Ficusauricularta,F.concinna, F. geniculata,F. hispida, F. racemosa, F. religiosa,F. semicordata, and F. virens).F. geniculata and F. virens were most useful (UR = 228) and were used by all five ethnic groups, corresponding to a high use value (UV = 2). Treatments for 16 diseases were reported from seven species. Household consumption, economic, and sacred uses were accompanied by sustainable practices of harvest and protection. Traditional taboos, in situ and ex situ conservation were practiced especially for highly demanded species (F. geniculata and F. virens), and the sacred fig F. religiosa.Conclusion: Findings suggest that figs are useful for nutrition (all informants) and medicine (13.16% of the informants) in the study area. Traditional taboos, in situ and ex situ conservation practices help to maintain sustainable utilization of locally important figs. This is an early contribution to the traditional knowledge of edible figs. Although similar uses have been reported in neighboring countries for seven of the fig species, the ethnobotanical use of F. concinna is novel.
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