
A Study on the Spectrum of Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction in a Tertiary Care Centre

Scholars journal of applied medical sciences(2021)

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Original Research Article Neonatal intestinal obstruction is a common surgical emergency requiring intervention in newborn. This study was conducted amongst 40 diagnosed cases of neonatal intestinal obstruction admitted in the department of general surgery and paediatric medicine of North Bengal Medical College and Hospital during the study period. 1 out of every 156 neonates admitted in this hospital during the study period was a case of neonatal intestinal obstruction. There was a male preponderance with a male-female ratio of 3:1 (p<0.0001). 15% of neonates suffered from prematurity. Gestational age varied from 32 weeks to 42 weeks. 70% of neonates were below 2.5 kg at presentation (p=0.0003). Majority of neonates (55%) presented within 7 days of birth (p=0.3711). Most of the cases of anorectal malformations, intestinal atresia and meconium ileus presented within first week of birth while rest presented after 7 days. 45% of the neonates suffered from anorectal malformation, 25% suffered from Hirschsprung disease while 22.5% suffered from intestinal atresia. Other causes were malrotation and meconium ileus. Amongst anorectal malformations, high anomalies were commoner than low anomalies in this study (p<0.0001). Abdominal distension, failure to pass meconium within 24 hours, vomiting, constipation, absent anal opening was the common symptoms at presentation. There were 17.5% cases of complications following surgery for intestinal obstruction and majority of them were due to superficial wound infections. The mortality rate in our study was 12.5% and highest cases of mortality were seen in cases of intestinal atresia.
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