Fully Compensated Synthetic Antiferromagnets with Pronounced Anomalous Hall and Magneto-Optical Responses

Physical review applied(2021)

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We report the realization of fully compensated synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs) in Pt/Co/Ru/Fe1-xTbx multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, pronounced anomalous Hall resistances and magneto-optical responses. In particular, the properties of SAFs are systematically investigated through optimizing the thicknesses of the Co layer, the Ru spacer, and the concentration (x) of the ferrimagnet (FIM) Fe1-xTbx layers. The incorporation of the FIM Fe1-xTbx films into SAFs accelerates the search for a magnetic multilayer with fully compensated magnetism and exhibiting pronounced anomalous Hall resistance and magneto-optical signals. These advantages enable spin-orbittorque switching and magneto-optical Kerr effect imaging experiments on the fully compensated SAFs to be readily investigated. Through incorporating FIMs into SAFs, we believe that the present material system could provide a promising platform not only for adequately addressing the fully compensated spin dynamics of SAFs at room temperature, but also for developing intriguing SAF-based spin-orbitronic devices.
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