
Phosphorylation Status of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase in the Mousebird Colius Striatus Undergoing Torpor

Journal of experimental zoology Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology(2021)

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Torpor is a heterothermic response that occurs in some animals to reduce metabolic expenditure. The speckled mousebird (Colius striatus) belongs to one of the few avian taxa possessing the capacity for pronounced torpor, entering a hypometabolic state with concomitant decreases in body temperature in response to reduced food access or elevated thermoregulatory energy requirements. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is a crucial site regulating metabolism by bridging glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. Three highly conserved phosphorylation sites are found within the E1 enzyme of the complex that inhibit PDC activity and reduce the flow of carbohydrate substrates into the mitochondria. The current study demonstrates a marked increase in S232 phosphorylation during torpor in liver, heart, and skeletal muscle of C. striatus. The increase in S232 phosphorylation during torpor was particularly notable in skeletal muscle where levels were ~49-fold higher in torpid birds compared to controls. This was in contrast to the other two phosphorylation sites (S293 and S300) which remained consistently phosphorylated regardless of tissue. The relevant PDH kinase (PDHK1) known to phosphorylate S232 was found to be substantially upregulated (~5-fold change) in the muscle during torpor as well as increasing moderately in the liver (~2.2-fold increase). Additionally, in the heart, a slight (~23%) decrease in total PDH levels was noted. Taken together the phosphorylation changes in PDH suggest that inhibition of the complex is a common feature across several tissues in the mousebird during torpor and that this regulation is mediated at a specific residue.
mousebird,protein phosphorylation,pyruvate dehydrogenase,metabolism,torpor
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