
Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow in the Crystalline-Rock Aquifer in the Vicinity of the Savage Municipal Water-Supply Well Superfund Site, Milford, New Hampshire

Scientific investigations report(2021)

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In 2010, tetrachloroethylene (PCE), a chlorinated volatile organic compound, was detected in groundwater from deep (more than 300 feet below land surface) fractures in monitoring wells tapping a crystalline-rock aquifer. The aquifer underlies the Milford-Souhegan glacial-drift aquifer, a high water-producing aquifer, and the Savage Municipal WaterSupply Well Superfund site in Milford, New Hampshire. Between 30 and 40 residential water-supply wells are near (0.25 mile north of) the PCE-contaminated monitoring wells. Some of the residential water-supply wells are likely installed in similar rock types and formations as those of the monitoring wells installed as part of the Superfund site. As of 2020, periodic sampling by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (cooperative partners for this study) since 1996 had not detected PCE in groundwater from the residential watersupply wells. Nevertheless, understanding the vulnerability of the residential water wells to capture PCE contaminated groundwater was of concern. A numerical groundwater flow model was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey to assess groundwater flow and advective transport of PCE-contaminated groundwater in the crystalline-rock aquifer of the Milford area. The model (called the area-wide model) encompasses a 26.5-square mile area to allow for more accurate computation of water fluxes near the PCE-contaminated monitoring wells and the residential water wells. Simulations with the area-wide model show that, with the 2016 configuration of residential wells, capture of PCE by the residential water wells appears unlikely for hydrologic conditions typical of 2010 based on steady-state, advective transport modeling. However, simulations also show that adding residential water wells to the north of the PCE-contaminated monitoring wells could affect the transport of PCE. Groundwater withdrawals at other adjacent wells in the overlying Milford-Souhegan glacial-drift aquifer affect advective transport in the crystalline-rock aquifer. Therefore, the potential for future changes in withdrawals in the area, as well as changes in hydrologic conditions, including groundwater recharge and streamflow amounts, should be considered in the remedial assessment process. The development of the area-wide model and linkages established by this study with previously developed Milford-Souhegan glacial-drift aquifer transport models will help facilitate the development of remedial strategies for this Superfund site.
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