Differentiated uniformization: a new method for inferring Markov chains on combinatorial state spaces including stochastic epidemic models

Computational Statistics(2024)

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We consider continuous-time Markov chains that describe the stochastic evolution of a dynamical system by a transition-rate matrix Q which depends on a parameter θ . Computing the probability distribution over states at time t requires the matrix exponential exp ( tQ) , and inferring θ from data requires its derivative ∂exp ( tQ) /∂θ . Both are challenging to compute when the state space and hence the size of Q is huge. This can happen when the state space consists of all combinations of the values of several interacting discrete variables. Often it is even impossible to store Q . However, when Q can be written as a sum of tensor products, computing exp ( tQ) becomes feasible by the uniformization method, which does not require explicit storage of Q . Here we provide an analogous algorithm for computing ∂exp ( tQ) /∂θ , the differentiated uniformization method . We demonstrate our algorithm for the stochastic SIR model of epidemic spread, for which we show that Q can be written as a sum of tensor products. We estimate monthly infection and recovery rates during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria and quantify their uncertainty in a full Bayesian analysis. Implementation and data are available at https://github.com/spang-lab/TenSIR .
Continuous-time Markov chains,Bayesian inference,Uniformization,Matrix exponential,Tensors,Epidemic spread
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