Animal Model of Video-Assisted Cecum and Ileum Instrumentation for Equine Visceral Pain Study

Journal of Equine Veterinary Science(2022)

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•Cecum and ileum instrumentation for equine visceral algology in a typhlostomized animal model is best performed video-assisted.•With an adapted device associated with a video-assisted approach, instrumentation of the ileum is facilitated, performed more efficiently.•The video-assisted cecal cannula approach in horses enables minimally invasive ileum instrumentation.•The equine visceral algology of the cecum and ileum can be performed video-assisted, enabling more precise and efficient interventions.•The proposed animal model enables a controllable, reproducible and quantifiable equine visceral algology.
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Key words
Minimally invasive surgery,Equine colic,Ileal impaction,Gastrointestinal distention,Horse
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