The potential use of green mussel (Perna Viridis) shells for synthetic calcium carbonate polymorphs in biomaterials

R. Ismail,D.F. Fitriyana,Y.I. Santosa,S. Nugroho, A.J. Hakim, M.S. Al Mulqi, J. Jamari,A.P. Bayuseno

Journal of Crystal Growth(2021)

Cited 15|Views0
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•The experimental approach of converting green mussel shells into value-added carbonate materials.•Powder processing of shells yielded a starting material for the synthetic biomaterials.•Green mussel shells have an important component of bio-minerals.•Precipitating calcium carbonates with manipulation of polymorphs.
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Key words
A2. Powder processing,A2. Calcination,B1. Green mussel shells,B1. Precipitated calcium carbonates,B1. Biomaterials
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