Multiplicity Distributions Of Charged-Particle Secondaries From Proton-Antiproton Collisions At The Tevatron Collider Root = 1.8 Tev
T Alexopoulos,C Allen,Ew Anderson, H Areti, V Balamura,S Banerjee,Pd Beery,P Bhat,Jm Bishop,Nn Biswas,A Bujak,Dd Carmony,T Carter,P Cole,Y Choi, R Debonte,V Decarlo,Ar Erwin,C Findeisen,At Goshaw,Lj Gutay,As Hirsch,C Hojvat,Jr Jennings,Vp Kenney,D Koltick,Cs Lindsey,C Loomis,Jm Losecco,T Mcmahon,Ap Mcmanus,Nk Morgan,K Nelson,Sh Oh,J Piekarz,Nt Porile,D Reeves,A Rimai,Wr Robertson,Rp Scharenberg,Sr Stampke,Bc Stringfellow,Ma Thompson,F Turkot,Wd Walker,Ch Wang,Dk Wesson,Yh Zhan VANCOUVER MEETING : PARTICLES & FIELDS 91, VOLS 1 AND 2(1992)
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