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Epidemiological Assessment Of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Outbreak In District Shangla, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province Of Pakistan


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Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a vector borne infection caused by flagellated parasitic protozoans of the genus Leishmania and is still endemic in tropic and sub-tropics areas. The aim of the current study was to find out prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis during the recent outbreak (2018-19) in district Shangla. Total samples (n=236) were collected from two medical care centers DHQ hospital Alpuri and Tehsil hospital Besham. The infection was higher in female patients (59.3%; n=140) as compared to male patients (40.7%; n=96). Age wise prevalence was highest in age group 1-25 years (n=160). Highest number of patients were from low rainy areas (n=127) as compared to middle rainy areas (n=82) and more rainy areas (n=28). In the upper body parts lesions were mostly found on face (34.4%: n=33) and in lower body parts legs (29.3%; n= 41) were affected more. The disease duration was observed less in female (one month) than male (two months) patients. The travel history of male patients was (n = 96) while female was (n = 140). Our findings described leishmaniasis expulsion in the lower localities of the Shangla district. In addition, robust awareness campaigns are required to avoid these outbreaks in a timely fashion.
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Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Epidemiology, Outbreak, Lesions, Standard deviation, P-value
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