
Effect of Mesua ferrea Linn. seed kernel oil on percutaneous absorption of Diltiazem hydrochloride through pig ear epidermis: A mechanistic study

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology(2021)

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The present study reports the mechanistic investigation on Mesua ferrea L. seed kernel oil as a natural skin permeation enhancer. The natural oil was extracted by Soxhlation method. The permeation parameters resulting from the ex vivo skin permeation study of the model drug Diltiazem HCl across oil pre-treated pig ear epidermis revealed better transdermal flux of the test groups compared to the control one. Also, the investigated oil exhibited significantly higher penetration enhancement effect compared to the standard penetration enhancer Transcutol and the maximum permeation enhancement effect was observed at 15% v/v in PG. The permeation enhancement mechanistic studies by FT-IR, DSC and SEM suggested that the enhancement effect of the oil was due to the fluidization of lipids and interaction with keratinocytes of the stratum corneum maintaining morphological integrity of the skin membrane. Furthermore, the test oil was found to be non-irritant in nature and safe for topical application. These findings suggests the Mesua ferrea L. seed oil is an efficient and safe natural skin permeation enhancer providing the scope for future research on its usage in the development of transdermal drug delivery devices.
M. ferrea L. seed oil,Permeation enhancer,Diltiazem HCl,Skin pre-treatment,Porcine ear epidermis
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