Machine Learning Can Assign Geologic Basin to Produced Water Samples Using Major Ion Geochemistry


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Understanding the geochemistry of waters produced during petroleum extraction is essential to informing the best treatment and reuse options, which can potentially be optimized for a given geologic basin. Here, we used the US Geological Survey’s National Produced Waters Geochemical Database (PWGD) to determine if major ion chemistry could be used to classify accurately a produced water sample to a given geologic basin based on similarities to a given training dataset. Two datasets were derived from the PWGD: one with seven features but more samples (PWGD7), and another with nine features but fewer samples (PWGD9). The seven-feature dataset, prior to randomly generating a training and testing (i.e., validation) dataset, had 58,541 samples, 20 basins, and was classified based on total dissolved solids (TDS), bicarbonate (HCO 3 ), Ca, Na, Cl, Mg, and sulfate (SO 4 ). The nine-feature dataset, prior to randomly splitting into a training and testing (i.e., validation) dataset, contained 33,271 samples, 19 basins, and was classified based on TDS, HCO 3 , Ca, Na, Cl, Mg, SO 4 , pH, and specific gravity. Three supervised machine learning algorithms—Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors, and Naïve Bayes—were used to develop multi-class classification models to predict a basin of origin for produced waters using major ion chemistry. After training, the models were tested on three different datasets: Validation7, Validation9, and one based on data absent from the PWGD. Prediction accuracies across the models ranged from 23.5 to 73.5% when tested on the two PWGD-based datasets. A model using the Random Forest algorithm predicted most accurately compared to all other models tested. The models generally predicted basin of origin more accurately on the PWGD7-based dataset than on the PWGD9-based dataset. An additional dataset, which contained data not in the PWGD, was used to test the most accurate model; results suggest that some basins may lack geochemical diversity or may not be well described, while others may be geochemically diverse or are well described. A compelling result of this work is that a produced water basin of origin can be determined using major ions alone and, therefore, deep basinal fluid compositions may not be as variable within a given basin as previously thought. Applications include predicting the geochemistry of produced fluid prior to drilling at different intervals and assigning historical produced water data to a producing basin.
Machine learning,Produced water,Chemistry,Random Forest,Basinal brines
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