Breast Cancer Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Senologic International Society Survey
Carole Mathelin,Shanti Ame,Stanley Anyanwu,Eli Avisar,Wahib Mohcen Boubnider,Katrin Breitling,Hannah Ayettey Anie, Jose Carlos Conceicao,Veronique Dupont,Elisabeth Elder,Constanze Elfgen,Tony Elonge, Edelmiro Iglesias,Shigeru Imoto, Lydia Ioannidou-Mouzaka,Elisabeth A. Kappos,Martin Kaufmann,Michael Knauer,Franck Luzuy,Marko Margaritoni, Mamadou Mbodj,Alexander Mundinger, Ruben Orda,Valerijus Ostapenko,Serdar Ozbas,Vahit Ozmen,Olivia Pagani,Tadeusz Pienkowski,Schlomo Schneebaum,Ekaterina Shmalts,Ashraf Selim,Zotov Pavel,Massimo Lodi, Mauricio Maghales-Costa European Journal of Breast Health(2021)
Key words
Breast cancer,COVID-19,SARS-CoV-2,clinical practices,survey,pandemic
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