Physiological and Cellular Changes of Stored Cryptocarya Aschersoniana Mez. Seeds

Floresta e Ambiente(2021)

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Some species of the Lauraceae family produce seeds that are generally sensitive to desiccation, which makes them difficult to store. The objective of this study was to characterize changes in seed quality of C. aschersoniana from two lots, as well in the physiological and cellular aspects during 12 months of storage. Seeds were stored with their original moisture content (MC) or after pre-drying to 35% MC in a cold chamber (5 degrees C) at a relative humidity of 40%. Seeds were sampled and tested at time 0, 3, 6 and 12 months of storage regarding to moisture content, germination and ultrastructural features. The seeds were dispersed with dormancy that was overcame by the cold storage condition and the reserves in undried seeds were partly consumed during storage. Both undried and pre-dried seeds remained viable for at least 12 months.
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Lauraceae,seed conservation,storage,ultrastructural analyses
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