The Role Of Il-1 Beta In The Early Tumor Cell-Induced Angiogenic Response


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In this study, we assessed the involvement of IL-1 beta in early angiogenic responses induced by malignant cells using Matrigel plugs supplemented with B16 melanoma cells. We found that during the angiogenic response, IL-1 beta and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) interact in a newly described autoinduction circuit, in which each of these cytokines induces the other. The IL-1 beta and VEGF circuit acts through interactions between bone marrow-derived VEGF receptor 1(+)/IL-1R1(+) immature myeloid cells and tissue endothelial cells. Myeloid cells produce IL-1 beta and additional proinflammatory cytokines, which subsequently activate endothelial cells to produce VEGF and other proangiogenic factors and provide the inflammatory microenvironment for angiogenesis and tumor progression. These mechanisms were also observed in a nontumor early angiogenic response elicited in Matrigel plugs by either rIL-1 beta or recombinant VEGF. We have shown that IL-1 beta inhibition stably reduces tumor growth by limiting inflammation and inducing the maturation of immature myeloid cells into M1 macrophages. In sharp contrast, only transient inhibition of tumor growth was observed after VEGF neutralization, followed by tumor recurrence mediated by rebound angiogenesis. This occurs via the reprogramming of VEGF receptor 1(+)/IL-1R1(+) cells to express hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha, VEGF, and other angiogenic factors, thereby directly supporting proliferation of endothelial cells and blood vessel formation in a paracrine manner. We suggest using IL-1 beta inhibition as an effective antitumor therapy and are currently optimizing the conditions for its application in the clinic. The Journal of Immunology, 2013, 190: 3500-3509.
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