
Prevalence Of Symptoms And Risk Of Sleep Apnea In The Northern Population Of Pakistan


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Background: Sleep apnea is a chronic condition characterized by frequent episodes of upper airway collapse during sleep causing episodes of apnea and hypo-apnea. These episodes of apnea and hypo-apnea can cause repetitive hypoxia and awaken one from sleep. Increasingly, obstructive sleep apnea is also being recognized as an independent risk factor for several clinical consequences, including systemic hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and abnormal glucose metabolism.Objective: To identify the prevalence and risk factors of sleep apnea in Chitral, Pakistan.Method: A cross sectional study was conducted at the THQ hospital Booni, Chitral. The survey was conducted on individuals who had come to the hospital as attendants, patients or visitors of the admitted patients. We used the Berlin questionnaire to identify individuals at risk for OSA. The Urdu version of the Berlin questionnaire was embedded in our survey questionnaire. Written consent was obtained. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS.Results: 52 of a total 408 were at high-risk for OSAS according to the Berlin scale Questionnaire. Hence, the prevalence estimates of individuals at high-risk for OSAS was 12.75%. These participants were more likely to have conditions such as previous coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, and hypertension.Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of OSA in Chitral and it is also associated with obesity, coronary diseases, smoking, and hypertension which is why it is important to have a proper evaluation and early screening for it. Given the high prevalence and association of OSA with many diseases, it is also important to increase awareness among physicians and the general population of rural areas, about the clinical presentations, risk factors and complications of OSAS.
sleep apnea, prevalence, moking, coronary disease
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