
New Red- And Yellow-Fleshed Kiwifruit Cultivars


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After 15 years of breeding, Sichuan Province Academy of Natural Resource Science and Sichuan Hua Sheng Agriculture Co. Ltd. have bred an excellent new redfleshed kiwifruit cultivar, 'HFR18', and a new yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cultivar, ' HFY01'. The new red kiwifruit cultivar 'HFR18' is a diploid and was bred from a cross using 'Hongyang' as female parent and 'SF0612M' as male parent. The general fruit shape is ovate, with a slightly depressed stylar end. The average fruit weight is 77 g and maximum fruit weight is 110 g (without use of plant hormone CPPU). The flesh is yellow-green when ripe, and the colour of the locules in the inner pericarp is a deep red. The fruit has a sweet taste with a ripe soluble solids content of 17.1%, total sugar content of 7.26% and total acid (citric acid) content of 1.43%. Fruit is nutritious, with a vitamin C content of 184 mg 100 g(-1). Flowering time in Sichuan is mid-April, and the blooming period is about 5-8 days. The harvesting time is early to mid-September in Sichuan. Plant vigour is strong. The new yellow-fleshed cultivar 'HFY01' kiwifruit is a tetraploid, originating from open pollination of female parent JXFX-CK04136. The general fruit shape is ovate, with a weakly depressed stylar end. The average fruit weight is 85 g and maximum fruit weight is 120 g. The flesh is deep yellow. The fruit taste is most appealing, with a fruity aroma. The ripe soluble solids content is 17.5% and total sugar content is about 10.82%, total acid (citric acid) content is 1.44% and vitamin C content is high, at 205 mg 100 g(-1). Storage life is very good, 6-7 months at low temperature (0 degrees C). When removed from store, fruit has a shelf life of 20-30 days at room temperature. Flowering time is about the end of April and the flowering period is about 5-8 days. The harvest time is early December in Sichuan. The cultivar shows strong resistance to the bacterial disease Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa). Plant growth is strong.
Actinidia chinensis, kiwifruit breeding, new cultivars, red-fleshed kiwifruit, yellow-fleshed kiwifruit
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