
Long-term Persistence of Viral RNA and Inflammation in the CNS of Macaques Exposed to Aerosolized Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus


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Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a positively-stranded RNA arbovirus of the genus Alphavirus that causes encephalitis in humans. Cynomolgus macaques are a relevant model of the human disease caused by VEEV and are useful in exploring pathogenic mechanisms and the host response to VEEV infection. Macaques were exposed to small-particle aerosols containing virus derived from an infectious clone of VEEV strain INH-9813, a subtype IC strain isolated from a human infection. VEEV-exposed macaques developed a biphasic fever after infection similar to that seen in humans. Maximum temperature deviation correlated with the inhaled dose, but fever duration did not. Neurological signs, suggestive of virus penetration into the central nervous system (CNS), were predominantly seen in the second febrile period. Electroencephalography data indicated a statistically significant decrease in all power bands and circadian index during the second febrile period that returned to normal after fever resolved. Intracranial pressure increased late in the second febrile period. On day 6 post-infection macaques had high levels of MCP-1 and IP-10 chemokines in the CNS, as well as a marked increase of T lymphocytes and activated microglia. More than four weeks after infection, VEEV genomic RNA was found in the brain, cerebrospinal fluid and cervical lymph nodes. Pro-inflammatory cytokines & chemokines, infiltrating leukocytes and pathological changes were seen in the CNS tissues of macaques euthanized at these times. These data are consistent with persistence of virus replication and/or genomic RNA and potentially, inflammatory sequelae in the central nervous system after resolution of acute VEEV disease. Author summaryAlthough naturally transmitted by mosquito, Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses (VEEV) can be highly infectious when aerosolized. In humans, VEEV are only rarely fatal but cause a severe, biphasic fever with neurological symptoms including severe headache, a stiff neck, and photophobia. We report here our efforts to further characterize the disease caused by VEEV in the cynomolgus macaque, using an infectious clone of a human VEEV isolate, to explore the long-term effects of VEEV infection, and the utility of radiotelemetry in continuous monitoring of electroencephalography and intracranial pressure to explore the relationship between fever, virus penetration of the brain, and neurological disease.
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