
Cell layer-specific expression of the homeotic MADS-box transcription factor PhDEF contributes to modular petal morphogenesis in petunia

Mathilde Chopy, Quentin Cavallini-Speisser, Pierre Chambrier, Patrice Morel, Jeremy Just, Veronique Hugouvieux, Suzanne Rodrigues Bento, Chloe Zubieta, Michiel Vandenbussche, Marie Monniaux

˜The œPlant cell(2024)

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Floral homeotic MADS-box transcription factors ensure the correct morphogenesis of floral organs, which are organized in different cell layers deriving from distinct meristematic layers. How cells from these distinct layers acquire their respective identities and coordinate their growth to ensure normal floral organ morphogenesis is unresolved. Here, we studied petunia (Petunia x hybrida) petals that form a limb and tube through congenital fusion. We identified petunia mutants (periclinal chimeras) expressing the B-class MADS-box gene DEFICIENS in the petal epidermis or in the petal mesophyll, called wico and star, respectively. Strikingly, wico flowers form a strongly reduced tube while their limbs are almost normal, while star flowers form a normal tube but greatly reduced and unpigmented limbs, showing that petunia petal morphogenesis is highly modular. These mutants highlight the layer-specific roles of PhDEF during petal development. We explored the link between PhDEF and petal pigmentation, a well-characterized limb epidermal trait. The anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway was strongly downregulated in star petals, including its major regulator ANTHOCYANIN2 (AN2). We established that PhDEF directly binds to the AN2 terminator in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that PhDEF might regulate AN2 expression and therefore petal epidermis pigmentation. Altogether, we show that cell layer-specific homeotic activity in petunia petals differently impacts tube and limb development, revealing the relative importance of the different cell layers in the modular architecture of petunia petals.
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