
Ad Hoc Learning of Peptide Fragmentation from Mass Spectra Enables an Interpretable Detection of Phosphorylated and Cross-Linked Peptides

Nature Machine Intelligence(2022)

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Fragmentation of peptides leaves characteristic patterns in mass spectrometry data, which can be used to identify protein sequences, but this method is challenging for mutated or modified sequences for which limited information exist. Altenburg et al. use an ad hoc learning approach to learn relevant patterns directly from unannotated fragmentation spectra. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics provides a holistic snapshot of the entire protein set of living cells on a molecular level. Currently, only a few deep learning approaches exist that involve peptide fragmentation spectra, which represent partial sequence information of proteins. Commonly, these approaches lack the ability to characterize less studied or even unknown patterns in spectra because of their use of explicit domain knowledge. Here, to elevate unrestricted learning from spectra, we introduce 'ad hoc learning of fragmentation' (AHLF), a deep learning model that is end-to-end trained on 19.2 million spectra from several phosphoproteomic datasets. AHLF is interpretable, and we show that peak-level feature importance values and pairwise interactions between peaks are in line with corresponding peptide fragments. We demonstrate our approach by detecting post-translational modifications, specifically protein phosphorylation based on only the fragmentation spectrum without a database search. AHLF increases the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) by an average of 9.4% on recent phosphoproteomic data compared with the current state of the art on this task. Furthermore, use of AHLF in rescoring search results increases the number of phosphopeptide identifications by a margin of up to 15.1% at a constant false discovery rate. To show the broad applicability of AHLF, we use transfer learning to also detect cross-linked peptides, as used in protein structure analysis, with an AUC of up to 94%.
Mass Spectrometry,Protein Phosphorylation
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