daf-16/FOXO blocks adult cell fate in Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larvae via lin-41/TRIM71

Matthew J Wirick, Allison R Cale, Isaac T Smith,Amelia F Alessi,Margaret R Starostik, Liberta Cuko, Kyal Lalk, Mikayla N Schmidt, Benjamin S Olson, Payton M Salomon, Alexis Santos,Axel Schmitter-Sánchez,Himani Galagali, Kevin J Ranke, Payton A Wolbert,Macy L Knoblock,John K Kim,Xantha Karp


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Many tissue-specific stem cells maintain the ability to produce multiple cell types during long periods of non-division, or quiescence. FOXO transcription factors promote quiescence and stem cell maintenance, but the mechanisms by which FOXO proteins promote multipotency during quiescence are still emerging. The single FOXO ortholog in C. elegans, daf-16, promotes entry into a quiescent and stress-resistant larval stage called dauer in response to adverse environmental cues. During dauer, stem and progenitor cells maintain or re-establish multipotency to allow normal development to resume after dauer. We find that during dauer, daf-16/FOXO prevents epidermal stem cells (seam cells) from prematurely adopting differentiated, adult characteristics. In particular, dauer larvae that lack daf-16 misexpress collagens that are normally adult-enriched. Using col-19p::gfp as an adult cell fate marker, we find that all major daf-16 isoforms contribute to opposing col-19p::gfp expression during dauer. By contrast, daf-16(0) larvae that undergo non-dauer development do not misexpress col-19p::gfp. Adult cell fate and the timing of col-19p::gfp expression are regulated by the heterochronic gene network, including lin-41 and lin-29. lin-41 encodes an RNA-binding protein orthologous to LIN41/TRIM71 in mammals, and lin-29 encodes a conserved zinc finger transcription factor. In non-dauer development, lin-41 opposes adult cell fate by inhibiting the translation of lin-29, which directly activates col-19 transcription and promotes adult cell fate. We find that during dauer, lin-41 blocks col-19p::gfp expression, but surprisingly, lin-29 is not required in this context. Additionally, daf-16 promotes the expression of lin-41 in dauer larvae. The col-19p::gfp misexpression phenotype observed in dauer larvae with reduced daf-16 requires the downregulation of lin-41, but does not require lin-29. Taken together, this work demonstrates a novel role for daf-16/FOXO as a heterochronic gene that promotes expression of lin-41/TRIM71 to contribute to multipotent cell fate in a quiescent stem cell model. Author summaryIn adults and juveniles, tissue-specific stem cells divide as needed to replace cells that are lost due to injury or normal wear and tear. Many stem cells spend long periods of time in cellular quiescence, or non-division. During quiescence, stem cells remain multipotent, where they retain the ability to produce all cell types within their tissue. In this study, we define a new role for the FOXO protein DAF-16 in promoting multipotency during the quiescent C. elegans dauer larva stage. C. elegans larvae enter dauer midway through development in response to adverse environmental conditions. Epidermal stem cells are multipotent in C. elegans larvae but differentiate at adulthood, a process controlled by the "heterochronic" genes. We found that daf-16 blocks the expression of adult cell fate specifically in dauer larvae by promoting the expression of the heterochronic gene lin-41. lin-41 normally blocks adult fate by repressing the expression of another heterochronic gene, lin-29, but surprisingly, lin-29 is not needed for the expression of adult cell fate in this context. These findings may be relevant to mammals where the orthologs of daf-16 and lin-41 are important in stem cell maintenance and opposing differentiation.
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