Comparison of FANT results using the ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.3 and TENDL2017 nuclear data libraries

Applied Radiation and Isotopes(2022)

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FANT (Fuente Ampliada de Neutrones Térmicos; in Spanish) is a thermal neutron irradiation facility with an extended and very uniform irradiation area, that has been developed by the Neutron Measurements Laboratory of the Energy Engineering Department at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (LMN-UPM). This device is a parallelepiped box made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), moderator material, that uses an A95241m/B49e neutron source of 111 GBq nominal activity for irradiating materials. The facility design was previously optimized, and the neutron spectra were estimated by extensive calculations with the MCNP6.1 code and carrying out experimental measurements (Bedogni et al., 2017). The facility takes advantage of the scattering reactions of neutrons with the HDPE surfaces of the chamber, where the moderation process is effective, achieving relevant thermal neutron fluence rates. The main goal of this work has been to simulate and analyse the FANT system by Monte Carlo methods using the MCNP6.1 code, employing 3 different nuclear data libraries: ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.3 and TENDL 2017. The transport of thermal neutrons in HDPE, E < 1eV, has been calculated in all the cases taking into account the thermal S (α,β) treatment. The results achieved in this work have been compared with those previously obtained in the former development of FANT, using the MCNP6.1 code with the ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data, and experimental measurements. These results have shown that the JEFF-3.3 nuclear data library is the nuclear data library that provides of the best matching between the MCNP computational results, and the experimental data collected at FANT. Hence, the JEFF-3.3 nuclear data library seems to be the most correct library to design and benchmark thermal neutron activation devices.
FANT,Thermal neutron source,ENDF/B-VII.1,JEFF-3.3 and TENDL2017 cross-section nuclear data libraries
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