
Photosynthetic Efficiency and Anatomical Structure of Pepper Leaf (Capsicum annuum L.) Transplants Grown under High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Supplementary Lighting Systems


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of various supplemental greenhouse lighting systems, i.e., high-pressure sodium lamps and mixtures of red and blue light-emitting diodes, on the photochemical efficiency, anatomical leaf structure, and growth of the two pepper cultivars. The intensity levels of the photosynthetically active radiation were the same for both light treatments. In this study, the relative chlorophyll content was measured. Additionally, certain parameters of chlorophyll a fluorescence were measured under ambient light or after dark adaptation. The obtained results showed that the application of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as supplemental lighting positively affected the anatomical leaf characteristics and plant growth. The leaves of both pepper cultivars were thicker and had larger palisade parenchyma cells under LED supplemental lighting compared to leaves grown under high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps. Moreover, the mesophyll cells of seedlings grown under LEDs contained more chloroplasts than those growing under HPS lighting. The chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements of pepper seedlings grown under LEDs showed significant increases in photosynthetic apparatus performance index (PI) values compared to plants grown under HPS lamps; however, the values for this index were higher in cv. 'Aifos' as compared to cv. 'Palermo'. We recommend that supplemental lighting systems are applied with caution, as their performance appears to depend not only on the light spectrum but also on the cultivar.

supplementary lighting,seedlings,leaf productivity,light quality,SPAD
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