Determining the effects of wind-aided midge movement on the outbreak and coexistence of multiple bluetongue virus serotypes in patchy environments

Mathematical Biosciences(2021)

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Bluetongue virus (BTV) has 27 serotypes with some of them coexisting in different environments which make its control difficult. Wind-aided midge movement is a known mechanism in the spread of BTV. However, its effects on the dynamics of multiple BTV serotypes are not clear. Ordinary differential equation (ODE) and continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) models for two BTV serotypes in an environment divided into two patches depending on the risk of infection are formulated and analysed. By approximating the CTMC model with a multitype branching process, an estimate for the probability of a major outbreak of two BTV serotypes is obtained. It is shown that without movement a major outbreak occurs in the high-risk patch, but with cattle or midge movement it occurs in both patches. When a major outbreak occurs, numerical simulations of the ODE model illustrate possible coexistence in both patches if the patches are connected by midge or cattle movement. Sensitivity analysis, based on the Latin hypercube sampling method, identified midge mortality and biting rates as being the most important in determining the magnitude of the probability of a major outbreak. These results indicate the significance of wind-aided midge movement on the outbreak and coexistence of multiple BTV serotypes in patchy environments.
Bluetongue virus,Multiple serotypes,Outbreak,Coexistence,Branching process
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