Low-energy, Single-Pulse Surface Stimulation Defibrillates Large Mammalian Ventricles.

Heart rhythm(2022)

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BACKGROUND Strong electric shocks are the gold standard for ventricular defibrillation but are associated with pain and tissue damage. We hypothesized that targeting the excitable gap (EG) of reentry with low-energy surface stimulation is a less damaging and painless alternative for ventricular defibrillation. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions under which low-energy surface stimulation defibrillates large mammalian ventricles. METHODS Low-energy surface stimulation was delivered with five electrodes that were 7 cm long and placed 1-2 cm apart on the endocardial and epicardial surfaces of perfused pig left ventricle (LV). Rapid pacing (>4 Hz) was used to induce reentry from a single electrode. A 2 ms defibrillation pulse <= 0.5 A was delivered from all electrodes with a varied time delay from the end of the induction protocol (0.1-5 seconds). Optical mapping was performed and arrhythmia dynamics analyzed. For mechanistic insight, simulations of the VF induction and defibrillation protocols were performed in silico with an LV model emulating the experimental conditions and electrodes placed 0.25-2 cm apart. RESULTS In living LV, reentry was induced with varying complexity and dominant frequencies ranging between 3.5 to 6.2 Hz over 8 seconds postinitiation. Low-energy defibrillation was achieved with energy <60 mJ and electrode separations up to 2 cm for less complex arrhythmia. In simulations, defibrillation consistently occurred when stimulation captured >75% of the EG, which blocked reentry <2.9 mm in front of the leading reentrant wavefront. CONCLUSION Defibrillation with low-energy, single-pulse surface stimulation is feasible with energies below the human pain threshold (100 mJ). Optimal defibrillation occurs when arrhythmia complexity is minimal and electrodes capture >75% of the EG.
Defibrillation,Low energy,Reentry,Surface stimulation,Ventricular fibrillation
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