
Studying Delivery of Neuroprotective Gabapentin Drug by Gold Nanoparticles Using a Laser Beam Affecting Surface Plasmon Resonance

Chemical papers/Chemické zvesti(2021)

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In this work, release of gabapentin from Au NPs has been studied by using convergent green and blue lasers and effects of the irradiated light-intensity are investigated. At first, Au NPs are prepared and characterized by TEM, XRD, UV–VIS., and DLS. Then, loading of gabapentin onto Au NPs is performed and the attained results confirmed a blue-shift in the UV–VIS absorption peak of the colloid nanoparticles. To release the drug molecules from the achieved nanoparticles, we designed an intensity dependent setup, containing a laser and two convergence lenses. By moving the cell containing the drug-loaded colloid in the region of focus, it receives different intensities. The effects of time and intensity of irradiation are studied on the UV–VIS spectrum of Au NPs. Moreover, experiments are performed for two green and blue lasers to illuminate the impact of irradiation color on the release progress. It is found that the green laser behaves better than the blue one in the release process because of its wavelength proximity to Au NPs’ resonance. The outcomes of this study open a new platform in the study of the targeted drug delivery purposes. This study centered on the release of drug molecules under the irradiation of a laser beam toward the drug-loaded nanoparticles. Therefore, this study can be beneficial to understand the effect of light on various metal-based nanoparticles bearing drug molecules.
Gabapentin,Gold nanoparticles,CW laser beam,Drug delivery
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