Secretory Proteases of the Human Skin Microbiome


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The human skin is our outermost layer and serves as a protective barrier against external insults. Advances in next-generation sequencing have enabled the discoveries of a rich and diverse community of microbes-bacteria, fungi, and viruses that are residents of this surface. The genomes of these microbes also revealed the presence of many secretory enzymes. In particular, proteases which are hydrolytic enzymes capable of protein cleavage and degradation are of special interest in the skin environment, which is enriched in proteins and lipids. In this minireview, we will focus on the roles of these skin-relevant microbial secreted proteases, in terms of both their widely studied roles as pathogenic agents in tissue invasion and host immune inactivation and their recently discovered roles in intermicrobial interactions and modulation of virulence factors. From these studies, it has become apparent that while microbial proteases are capable of a wide range of functions, their expression is tightly regulated and highly responsive to the environments the microbes are in. With the introduction of new biochemical and bioinformatics tools to study protease functions, it will be important to understand the roles played by skin microbial secretory proteases in cutaneous health, especially the less studied commensal microbes with an emphasis on contextual relevance.
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Candida, Cutibacterium, dermatophytes, Malassezia, proteases, skin microbiology, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus
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