
Interactions of Noradrenergic, Glucocorticoid and Endocannabinoid Systems Intensify and Generalize Fear Memory Traces.


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Systemic administration of drugs that activate the noradrenergic or glucocorticoid system potentiates aversive memory consolidation and reconsolidation. The opposite happens with the stimulation of endocannabinoid signaling under certain conditions. An unbalance of these interacting neurotransmitters can lead to the formation and maintenance of traumatic memories, whose strength and specificity attributes are often maladaptive. Here we aimed to investigate whether originally low-intensity and precise contextual fear memories would turn similar to traumatic ones in rats systemically administered with adrenaline, corticosterone, and/or the cannabinoid type-1 receptor antagonist/inverse agonist AM251 during consolidation or reconsolidation. The high dose of each pharmacological agent evaluated significantly increased freezing times at test in the conditioning context one and nine days later when given alone post-acquisition or post-retrieval. Their respective low dose produced no relative changes when given separately, but co-treatment of adrenaline with corticosterone or AM251 and the three drugs combined, but not corticosterone with AM251, produced results equivalent to those mentioned initially. Neither the high nor the low dose of adrenaline, corticosterone, or AM251 altered freezing times at test in a novel, neutral context two and ten days later. In contrast, animals receiving the association of their low dose exhibited significantly higher freezing times than controls. Together, the results indicate that newly acquired and destabilized threat memory traces become more intense and generalized after a combined interference acting synergistically and mimicking that reported in patients presenting stress-related psychiatric conditions.
memory intensity,fear generalization,post-traumatic stress disorder
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