Chromogranin A Deficiency Confers Protection From Autoimmune Diabetes via Multiple Mechanisms


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Recognition of beta-cell antigens by autoreactive T cells is a critical step in the initiation of autoimmune type1 diabetes. A complete protection from diabetes development in NOD mice harboring a point mutation in the insulin B-chain 9-23 epitope points to a dominant role of insulin in diabetogenesis. Generation of NOD mice lacking the chromogranin A protein (NOD.ChgA(-/-)) completely nullified the autoreactivity of the BDC2.5 T cell and conferred protection from diabetes onset. These results raised the issue concerning the dominant antigen that drives the autoimmune process. Here we revisited the NOD.ChgA(-/-) mice and found that their lack of diabetes development may not be solely explained by the absence of chromogranin A reactivity. NOD.ChgA(-/-) mice displayed reduced presentation of insulin peptides in the islets and periphery, which corresponded to impaired T-cell priming. Diabetes development in these mice was restored by antibody treatment targeting regulatory T cells or inhibiting transforming growth factor-beta and programmed death-1 pathways. Therefore, the global deficiency of chromogranin A impairs recognition of the major diabetogenic antigen insulin, leading to broadly impaired autoimmune responses controlled by multiple regulatory mechanisms.
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autoimmune diabetes,deficiency
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