
Mitochondrial myopathy and sensorineural hearing loss: case study.


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Mitochondrial myopathy is caused by the absence and/or insufficiency of L-carnitine, a quaternary enzyme responsible for transporting free fatty acids into the mitochondria. The primary function of the mitochondria is to produce energy, contributing to proper cell functioning. Muscular lipidosis causes abnormalities in enzymes that metabolize fat, resulting in the accumulation of harmful amounts of fats in tissues. The aim of this study was to present the case study of patient B.D., a 37-year-old woman diagnosed with muscular lipidosis with L-carnitine deficiency at 6 years old, and describe the speech-language follow-up performed at a hearing care clinic. The first entry in the patient's medical chart was on 03/05/1989, with continuous use of 2g/day of L-carnitine prescribed by a neurologist. The mother reported that B.D. had difficulty hearing and was inattentive, which became more evident when she started school. In 1988 the patient was diagnosed with moderate bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and began using behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids in 1989, after which her academic performance and communication improved. In 1998 she switched to Completely in Canal (CIC) hearing aids, which are more discreet, provided better sound localization and greater high frequency gain, although her hearing thresholds worsened slightly. She completed her graduate studies and currently works at a large financial institution. It was concluded that early neurological diagnosis and speech-language intervention enabled adequate language development in the patient.
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