Acute Stress-Induced Blood Lipid Reactivity In Hypertensive And Normotensive Men And Prospective Associations With Future Cardiovascular Risk


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Hyperreactivity to stress may be one explanation for the increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in individuals with essential hypertension. We investigated blood lipid reactivity to the Montreal Imaging Stress Task (MIST), a psychosocial stressor, in hypertensive and normotensive men and tested for prospective associations with biological risk factors. Fifty-six otherwise healthy and medication-free hypertensive and normotensive men underwent the MIST. We repeatedly measured cortisol and blood lipid profiles (total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides (TG)) immediately before and up to 1 h after stress. Lipid levels were corrected for stress hemoconcentration. Thirty-five participants completed follow-up assessment 2.9 +/- 0.12 (SEM) years later. CVD risk was assessed by prospective changes in TC/HDL-C ratio, IL-6, D-dimer, and HbA1c from baseline to follow-up. The MIST induced significant changes in all parameters except TC (p-values <= 0.043). Compared with normotensives, hypertensives had higher TC/HDL-C-ratio and TG (p-values <= 0.049) stress responses. Blood lipid stress reactivity predicted future cardiovascular risk (p = 0.036) with increases in HbA1c (ss = 0.34, p = 0.046), IL-6 (ss = 0.31, p = 0.075), and D-dimer (ss = 0.33, p = 0.050). Our results suggest that the greater blood lipid reactivity to psychosocial stress in hypertensives, the greater their future biological CVD risk. This points to lipid stress reactivity as a potential mechanism through which stress might increase CVD risk in essential hypertension.
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blood lipid stress reactivity, essential hypertension, Montreal Imaging Stress Task, cardiovascular risk, TC, HDL-C ratio, interleukin-6, D-dimer, hemoglobin A1c
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