On the Accuracy of QM/MM Models: A Systematic Study of Intramolecular Proton Transfer Reactions of Amino Acids in Water

˜The œjournal of physical chemistry B(2021)

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This work presents a systematic assessment of QM/QM' and QM/MM models with respect to direct QM calculations for the tautomerization (neutral to zwitterion) reactions of amino acids (glycine, alanine, valine, aspartate, and neutral and protonated histidine) solvated in a 160 water cluster. The effect of varying QM region size and choice of embedding potentials, including fixed-charge and polarizable molecular mechanics force fields (TIP3P and EFP) and various semiempirical QM methods (PM7, GFN2-xTB, DFTBA, DFTB3, HF-3c, and PBEh-3c), on the accuracy of the models was examined. A surprising finding was that molecular mechanics force fields outperformed many of the semiempirical methods. Generally, the errors in the QM/QM' and QM/MM models converge slowly with respect to the QM region size, requiring 50 or more waters to be included in the QM region before the error in the model falls below 1 kcal mol-1 of its pure QM result. Different QM region selection schemes were also compared, and it was found that selection based on Natural Population Analysis (NPA) atomic charges significantly reduced the error in the QM/QM' and QM/MM models particularly if a low-quality embedding potential was used. It is envisaged that these results will be useful for the development of future hybrid QM models.
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