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Higher water and nutrient use efficiencies in savanna than in rainforest lianas result in no difference in photosynthesis

Tree physiology(2022)

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Differences in traits between lianas and trees in tropical forests have been studied extensively; however, few have compared the ecological strategies of lianas from different habitats. Here, we measured 25 leaf and stem traits concerning leaf anatomy, morphology, physiology and stem hydraulics for 17 liana species from a tropical seasonal rainforest and for 19 liana species from a valley savanna in south-west China. We found that savanna lianas had higher vessel density, wood density and lower hydraulically weighted vessel diameter and theoretical hydraulic conductivity than tropical seasonal rainforest lianas. Compared with tropical seasonal rainforest lianas, savanna lianas also showed higher leaf dry matter content, carbon isotope composition (delta C-13), photosynthetic water use efficiency, ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, photosynthetic phosphorus use efficiency and lower leaf size, stomatal conductance and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations. Interestingly, no differences in light-saturated photosynthetic rate were found between savanna and tropical seasonal rainforest lianas either on mass or area basis. This is probably due to the higher water and nutrient use efficiencies of savanna lianas. A principal component analysis revealed that savanna and tropical seasonal rainforest lianas were significantly separated along the first axis, which was strongly associated with acquisitive or conservative resource use strategy. Leaf and stem functional traits were coordinated across lianas, but the coordination or trade-off was stronger in the savanna than in the tropical seasonal rainforest. In conclusion, a relatively conservative (slow) strategy concerning water and nutrient use may benefit the savanna lianas, while higher nutrient and water use efficiencies allow them to maintain similar photosynthesis as tropical seasonal rainforest species. Our results clearly showed divergences in functional traits between lianas from savanna and tropical seasonal rainforest, suggesting that enhanced water and nutrient use efficiencies might contribute to the distribution of lianas in savanna ecosystems.
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acquisitive strategy,conservative strategy,dry habitat,functional traits,trait economics spectrum,woody climber
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