
Characteristics of Rain-Induced Attenuation over Signal Links at Frequency Ranges of 25 and 38 GHz Observed in Beijing

Remote sensing(2021)

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Wireless communication has become a very important part of our lives, and it is well known that meteorological factors affect the quality of communication links, especially at higher frequencies because the physical dimensions of raindrops, hail stones, and snowflakes are on a similar wavelength to the propagating radio frequency. Millimeter-waves are an important technology for fifth-generation cellular networks which are currently being deployed all over the world. Since atmospheric effects are challenging in millimeter-wave transmissions, in this paper, we conducted line-of-sight field measurements at 25 GHz and 38 GHz. We monitored the received signal during rainfall events and compared the theoretical attenuation and the recorded rain-induced attenuation. We also derived the rain-induced attenuation (A) and rainfall rate (R) relation for stratiform and convective rain, respectively, using local rain drop size distribution (DSD) information at our measurement site collected during the period of two years. Furthermore, opportunistic sensing of atmospheric phenomena using microwave or millimeter-wave communication links in commercial cellular networks has recently attracted more attention in meteorological research worldwide. The accuracy of calculating rainfall rates from microwave links highly depends on the retrieval model and values of coefficients in the model, i.e., a and b of the A-R relation model. Here, the coefficients a and b are estimated based on local DSD measurement, and the performance of the improved A-R model is evaluated using propagated signal power based on measurement data. Compared to the (a, b) coefficients in the International Telecommunication Union Recommendation (ITU-R) P.838 document, the derived coefficients achieved an improved rainfall rate estimation.
raindrop size distribution (DSD),microwave links,millimeter-wave link,5G,radio propagation meteorological factors,rain-induced attenuation
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