A needs assessment of Canadian general surgery postgraduate trauma training

Joanna F. Ryan, Patrick B. Murphy,Brett Mador


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Background: Clinical exposure to operative trauma cases for general surgery residents has decreased over recent decades. However, trainees are still expected to demonstrate competency in trauma care and injury management. Methods: A prospective survey based on preliminary qualitative analysis and a trauma education con-ceptual framework was distributed to general surgery educators, trauma surgeons, and general surgery residents across the country. Participants were asked to describe their trauma training experience, the educational resources available at their training programs, and their level of support for potential cur-riculum components. Results: 45% (31/69) of educators and 14% (58/405) of trainees responded to the survey. Perceived defi-ciencies were identified in the operative management of thoracic (educators 13%, trainees 28%), mediasti-nal (3%, 14%), neck (16%, 33%), and vascular (26%, 47%) injuries. Additional educational deficiencies were also identified in the domains of trauma systems and epidemiology, research and quality improvement, and injury prevention. Educators identified more inadequacies in training than trainees. Both groups sup -ported participation in radiology (77%, 85%) and guideline (74%, 90%) reviews, journal clubs (84%, 81%), education rounds (90%, 88%), leading trauma resuscitations (94%, 98%), and trauma resuscitation simula-tions (90%, 95%) as valuable educational initiatives. Conclusions: Trauma training in Canada is currently perceived to be inadequate to support resident edu-cation. The development and implementation of competency-based curricular components will be essen-tial to address the identified deficiencies. This data will be used to inform the development of a national trauma training curriculum and initiatives to enhance resident education. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Competency-based medical education,Surgical education,Trauma,Curriculum development
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