Measuring the repertoire of age-related behavioral changes in Drosophila melanogaster


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Author summaryAging is a ubiquitous biological phenomenon that affects many aspects of an animal's appearance, physiology, and behavior. Our understanding of how changes in physiology lead to behavioral changes, however, has been partially limited by our ability to robustly quantify how behavior alters over timescales of days and weeks. In this study, we measure a large repertoire of behaviors of fruit flies at various ages, finding how the actions the animals perform shift with age. We observe a difference between the aging dynamics of male and female flies, and we show that many of these changes can be explained with a model of energy consumption, leading us to make predictions as to the role of metabolism in changes in aging behavior. Aging affects almost all aspects of an organism-its morphology, its physiology, its behavior. Isolating which biological mechanisms are regulating these changes, however, has proven difficult, potentially due to our inability to characterize the full repertoire of an animal's behavior across the lifespan. Using data from fruit flies (D. melanogaster) we measure the full repertoire of behaviors as a function of age. We observe a sexually dimorphic pattern of changes in the behavioral repertoire during aging. Although the stereotypy of the behaviors and the complexity of the repertoire overall remains relatively unchanged, we find evidence that the observed alterations in behavior can be explained by changing the fly's overall energy budget, suggesting potential connections between metabolism, aging, and behavior.
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