
A Targeted Ancestry Informative Indels Panel On Capillary Electrophoresis For Ancestry Inference In Asian Populations


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CE is the primary methodology used in forensic DNA typing. Alleles of commonly used types of genetic markers could be separated and detected via CE based on dye color and migration time. Insertion/deletion (InDel) is an ideal genetic marker for forensic DNA analysis due to their abundance in the human genome, low mutation rate, availability of their allele types via CE, and elimination of stutter peaks. Moreover, InDels could be used as ancestry informative markers since allele frequencies of InDels is different among geographically separated populations. Several ancestry informative insertion/deletion panels have been established based on CE platform to achieve the intercontinental populations distinction. However, improvements to differentiate intracontinental populations is few. In this study, 21 InDels with fixation index (F-ST) > 0.15 were selected and assembled into one ancestry informative insertion/deletion panel. Using well-designed primers, those 21 InDels could be amplified successfully and genotyped on the CE platform accurately and completely. The panel showed a large F-ST distance distinction among the ten Asian populations. Using clustering analysis, ten Asian populations were classified into three subgroups: East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian subgroups. To evaluate the panel's capability in ancestry inference, a validation experiment was undertaken with 319 individuals from four geographically separated populations in China. Four Chinese populations were classified into different ancestry subgroups and 81.8% test individuals' ancestry could be inferred correctly. Our result showed that development of high ancestry informative InDels panel based on CE platform is a potential for individual ancestry inference among intracontinental populations.
Ancestry inference, Ancestry informative InDels, Asian populations, CE, Forensic genetics
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