Study of the Production of Negatively Charged Pions in $${{pn}}$$ Collisions at Beam Momenta Between 1140 and 1670 MeV/c
Physics of Atomic Nuclei(2021)
The differential spectra of final particles in the reaction $$pn\to pp\pi^{-}$$ are presented according to data obtained at nine energy values with the aid of a deuterium-filled bubble chamber. These spectra are compared with the results of a partial-wave analysis of data obtained with a continuous neutron beam incident to a proton target. This analysis was used as basis for performing a global partial-wave analysis of data on proton–neutron, neutron–proton, and proton–proton collisions. As a result, it became possible to determine the contributions of both isovector and isoscalar partial waves to a precision substantially higher than that reached earlier.
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