
DEM simulation for optimal design of powder mixing in a ribbon mixer


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A ribbon mixer is often employed in powder mixing in a wide range of engineering fields. The structure of the ribbon mixer is extremely complicated. This structure makes it difficult to understand the mixing mechanism by experimental approaches due to problems related to accurate sampling. At present, the mixing mechanism in the ribbon mixer is empirically identified as convection, despite a lack of precise assessment. Additionally, experimental investigations to find the optimal design of the ribbon mixer have not been sufficiently conducted because of its prohibitive cost. As such, there is a lack of sufficient discussion concerning the design for better mixing in the ribbon mixer. Numerical technologies represent a promising approach for solving the aforementioned problems. Significant improvements in computer hardware have enabled numerical models such as the discrete element method (DEM) to be positively employed in powder mixing. In the current study, an identification approach is developed for convective mixing, and besides, the study explores an effective parameter for better mixing in the ribbon mixer using the DEM. A swept volume measurement approach due to paddle movement is newly developed to identify the main mixing mechanism as convection. Sensitivity analyses are performed to find an effective parameter for better mixing. Through the sensitive analyses, the blade width is indicated as an important factor for achieving better mixing. Moreover, this study shows that the relationship between the swept volume and mixing index remains, even if the paddle width changes. Thus, the swept volume measurement method is revealed as useful for identifying the mechanism as convection in the ribbon mixer. Thus, not only novel finding regarding the blade width for better mixing but also the development of an approach for identifying convective mixing in the ribbon mixer is presented herein. Incidentally, convection being the dominant mechanism is consistent with the novel finding regarding blade width achieving better mixing. (c) 2021 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.
Discrete element method,Ribbon mixer,Powder mixing,Optimal design,Signed distance function
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