A New Analysis Method Based On The Onsager Reciprocal Relations For Interdiffusion In A Multicomponent Melt

J. L. Hu, L. X. Zhong,C. Chen,D. D. Li, B. Zhang


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It is a significantly difficult problem to obtain the diffusion coefficients by analyzing the concentration profiles in multicomponent melts. Here, based on the Onsager reciprocal relations, we report a new analysis method, which can achieve the diffusion coefficient matrix by fitting the concentration profiles under a given diffusion time. Our method allows us to obtain the interdiffusion coefficient matrix in a multicomponent system via just a single diffusion couple experiment. Thus, it shows obvious merits compared to the previously reported diffusion path method and the square root diffusivity method. As a qualifying example, the four independent interdiffusion coefficients in a Ce-Al-Cu ternary liquid alloy have been derived from the concentration profiles measured by the multi-slice sliding cell technique. It is demonstrated that such a single experiment analysis method shows great potential for wide use in a multicomponent system.
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Key words
multicomponent melt,interdiffusion,onsager reciprocal relations
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