Pharmacobotanical Characterization of Monteverdia Ilicifolia (mart. Ex Reiss.) Biral Leaves and Its Adulterants Sold As Medicinal Tea in Brazil: a Contribution to Quality Control

Boletín latinoamericano y del Caribe de plantas medicinales y aromáticas(2021)

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Leaves of Monteverdia ilicifolia (“espinheira-santa”) are considered a medicinal tea by the Brazilian Sanitary Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), by their anti-dyspeptic, anti-acid and protective of the gastric mucosa properties. Their spiny margins are similar to those of other botanical species, which may lead to misidentifications. The aim of this work was to evaluate the authenticity of 32 samples of herbal drugs commercialized as “espinheira-santa” in the formal trade in Brazil, by macro and microscopic morphological studies of the leaves. The evaluation of the botanical authenticity was based on leaf venation patterns, shape and anatomy of the petiole and midrib region in cross section, vascular system arrangement and epidermal characters. Analysis of these characters compared to literature data suggests that 34% of the samples are M. ilicifolia and the remaining 66% are Sorocea bonplandii, a species with no clinical studies assuring its effective and safe use, representing thus a potential risk to public health.
Adulteration,Falsification,Espinheira-santa,Plant anatomy,Sorocea
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