
Growth Traits and Performance of Caged Fulani Ecotype Chickens Fed Commercial Diets Meant for Broiler and Pullet Chicks

Nigerian journal of animal production(2021)

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Two Hundred and six day old Fulani Ecotype chicks (FEC)were used to investigate the effect of feeding two types of diet (Chick starter diet and Broiler starter diet formulated to meet standard nutritional requirement of pullets and broiler chicks) on growth traits and performance from O to 8 weeks. The broiler starter diet contained 23% Crude Protein (CP) and 3000Kcal/kg Metabolizable Energy (ME), and the Chick starter diet contained 21% CP and 2800Kcal/Kg ME. The growth traits measured were body weight (BW), body length (BL), body girth (BG), wing length (WL), thigh length (TL), drumstick length (DL), keel length (KL), and shank length (SL), while chicks performance were estimated from feed intake. feed efficiency, growth rate and weight gain. Average body weight of chicks fed broiler starter diet were significantly (P<0.05) higher from week 1 to 8. Chicks fed broiler starter diet exhibited numerically higher BL, BG, WL, TL, DL and KL than those fed chick starter diet at all ages and differences were significant (P<0.05) at some ages. Chicks fed broiler starter diet significantly (P<0.05) consumed more feed at week 1 and 2, and they gained more weight than those fed chick starter diet from 0 to 4 weeks (120.51 vs. 97.89g), and 5-8 weeks (255.11 vs. 239.13g). Feed efficiency in chicks fed broiler starter diet was relatively higher by 13.21% than observed in those fed chick starter diet from day old to 4 weeks and this translated to faster growth rate during the period in the former group (34.30% Vs.32.67%). This Study shows that the broiler starter diet produced superior growth traits and better feed efficiency in Fulani Ecotype chicks.
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