
Registering from Space the Features of Deep Wastewater Outfalls into Coastal Water Areas Due to Discharge Collector Breaks

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics(2021)

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The results of comprehensive studies of anthropogenic impacts caused by deep water discharge into coastal waters near the city of Sevastopol using an experimental model of a ground-space monitoring system are presented. The nature of anthropogenic pollution of the investigated basin associated with an emergency rupture of the collector of the discharge device with a design capacity of 43 800 thousand m3/year (from 2014 to 2018) and the situation after the elimination of the accident in 2019 were assessed based on an analysis of space data. The features of optical anomalies associated with the discharge of wastewater into the marine environment in the region of the collector rupture are revealed, which are manifested in the changes in the normalized indices of sea-surface color recorded from space multispectral images of various resolutions, ranging from 1.25 to 1.45, while the background values are ~1. After the recovery of the collector rupture in 2019, the values of these indices were close to 1. The length of the zone where intense pollution appeared is ~3.0 km and its width is ~0.8 km; the center of the zone is at the place of the collector rupture. Based on remote sensing data, a positive effect has been demonstrated associated with the repair, which is recommended based on the results of space monitoring.
coastal waters,Earth remote sensing,multispectral imagery,satellite monitoring,marine pollution,anthropogenic impacts,deep runoff
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