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Stacking AsFMT overexpression with BdPMT loss of function enhances monolignol ferulate production in Brachypodium distachyon


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To what degree can the lignin subunits in a monocot be derived from monolignol ferulate (ML-FA) conjugates? This simple question comes with a complex set of variables. Three potential requirements for optimizing ML-FA production are as follows: (1) The presence of an active FERULOYL-CoA MONOLIGNOL TRANSFERASE (FMT) enzyme throughout monolignol production; (2) Suppression or elimination of enzymatic pathways competing for monolignols and intermediates during lignin biosynthesis; and (3) Exclusion of alternative phenolic compounds that participate in lignification. A 16-fold increase in lignin-bound ML-FA incorporation was observed by introducing an AsFMT gene into Brachypodium distachyon. On its own, knocking out the native p-COUMAROYL-CoA MONOLIGNOL TRANSFERASE (BdPMT) pathway that competes for monolignols and the p-coumaroyl-CoA intermediate did not change ML-FA incorporation, nor did partial loss of CINNAMOYL-CoA REDUCTASE1 (CCR1) function, which reduced metabolic flux to monolignols. However, stacking AsFMT into the Bdpmt-1 mutant resulted in a 32-fold increase in ML-FA incorporation into lignin over the wild-type level.
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BAHD acyltransferase,lignin acylation,DFRC method,bioenergy,bioengineering,biomass,plant biotechnology
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