Professional Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Endocrinology Econsult for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care: Results of a Clinical Pilot Program

Journal of clinical & translational endocrinology(2021)

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Background: Limitations in access to specialty diabetes care exist. Endocrinology eConsult that integrates professional continuous glucose monitoring (CGM-enhanced eConsult) may improve healthcare delivery, but has yet to be evaluated. We implemented a pilot program for patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) managed by primary care clinical pharmacists using CGM-enhanced eConsult and evaluated the acceptability and clinical outcomes in comparison to routine in-person endocrinology consultation. Methods: Seventy-four adult patients with established T2DM (age 18-65) were included. Twenty-nine were seen in-person by endocrinology and 45 were seen by pharmacists in primary care. Thirteen patients were referred for CGM-enhanced eConsult. Acceptability was assessed with pre/post clinician acceptability questionnaires and patient assessment of perceived burden. Clinical outcomes included time to first specialty appointment, baseline and 3-month follow-up HbA1c, and antihyperglycemic medication use. Results: There were no differences in patient acceptability of the CGM-enhanced eConsult as compared to endocrinology referral or pharmacy care. At baseline, all patients referred for eConsult were prescribed insulin. Three-month glycemic outcomes were comparable, with HbA1c reduction 1% + 2% in endocrinology, 1.5% + 1.1% with CGM-enhanced eConsult, and 1.6% + 1.8% in clinical pharmacy (p = 0.19). Time to an initial diabetes visit with a pharmacist was significantly shorter than with endocrinology, 20 days (IQR 26) for pharmacy vs. 45 days (IQR 54) for endocrinology, (p = 0.0001). Conclusions: CGM-enhanced eConsult resulted in more timely access to endocrinology expertise, was acceptable to patients, and resulted in similar short-term glycemic outcomes compared to in-person consultation. Effectiveness of CGM-enhanced eConsults should be further explored.
Professional continuous glucose monitoring,Referral and consultation,Diabetes mellitus, type 2,Pharmacists,Certified diabetes educators
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