
Associação da dieta de cafeteria com amido resistente na modulação do perfil glicêmico em ratos Wistar

Tamires Aline Oliveira, Rafaelde Paula Alves,Thaiany Goulart de Souza e Silva,Hudsara Aparecida de Almeida Paula

Semina-ciencias Agrarias(2020)

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The hypercaloric diet is considered a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, and it is noted that western habits have a great influence on the development of these diseases. Biomass and green banana flour are foods containing resistant starch; this is a type of non-digestible carbohydrate categorized as prebiotic, with the role of glycemia regulation. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the modulating effect of the aforementioned foods on Wistar rats fed with a cafeteria diet. It was possible to observe a great difference in the centesimal composition and resistant starch content between the two prebiotics, being explained by the manufacturing method of each one. Intervention groups containing resistant starch from biomass/green banana flour showed a better glycemic profile, lower body weight and lower body fat. Food consumption with composition similar to the cafeteria diet can lead to long-term cardiometabolic damage, contributing to the development of chronic diseases. It was also observed that food matrices containing resistant starch help to control body weight gain, preventing the accumulation of adipose tissue and intervening in the management of glycemic levels. In summary, the implementation of green banana products in food can be of great value, considering the positive effects of its bioactive components, prebiotic action and the cost-benefit ratio of this food matrix, but more scientific studies are needed to confirm the other hypotheses that arise with the theme.
perfil glicêmico,modulação
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