HD 219134 Revisited: Planet D Transit Upper Limit and Planet F Transit Nondetection with ASTERIA and TESS
Sara Seager,Mary Knapp,Brice-Olivier Demory,Akshata Krishnamurthy,Chelsea X. Huang,Mariona Badenas Agusti,Avi Shporer,Drew Weisserman,Juliette Becker,Andrew Vanderburg,Matthew Smith,Christopher M. Pong,Vanessa P. Bailey,Amanda Donner,Peter Di Pasquale,Brian Campuzano,Colin Smith,Jason Luu,Alessandra Babuscia,Robert L. Bocchino,Jessica Loveland,Cody Colley,Tobias Gedenk,Tejas Kulkarni,Kyle Hughes,Mary White,Joel Krajewski,Lorraine Fesq,George Ricker,Roland Vanderspek,David W. Latham,Jon M. Jenkins,Joshua N. Winn,Douglas A. Caldwell,Karen A. Collins,Diana Dragomir,Michael Fausnaugh,Ana Glidden,Joshua E. Schlieder,Joseph D. Twicken,Bill Wohler The Astronomical Journal(2021)
Key words
Exoplanet astronomy,Broad band photometry
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