
Urgent Bordetella PCR in infants under 3 months, a useful tool in the Pediatric Department

Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (English ed.)(2021)

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Abstract Introduction Whooping cough in patients aged under 3 months has higher rates of morbimortality. Hospitalisation and treatment with azithromycin is generally recommended. Many patients with cough without other signs of alarm, are admitted and started antibiotic therapy until a result of Bordetella-PCR is available. This technique, when performed urgently, can provide the diagnosis in a few hours. The objective of this study is to determine if its generalisation in the Emergency Department allows to improve patient management. Methods Retrospective cohort study of patients aged under 3 months who underwent Bordetella-PCR testing from upper respiratory tract secretions since March 2011 to December 2017. From December 2015 the test was performed urgently. Results One hundred and fifty-eight PCR were performed, 16 (10%) were positive for B. pertussis. Negative results (142; 90%) were divided in 2 cohorts: conventional-PCR, with 74 cases, and urgent-PCR, with 68 cases. The 2 groups were homogeneous in terms of clinical and analytical characteristics. In the urgent-PCR group there was 18% reduction in chest X-rays performed (p = 0.008). There were 33 (48.5%) patients admitted in the urgent-PCR group, compared to 49 (66.2%) in the conventional-PCR (p = 0.042). Antibiotic treatment was initiated in 32% of the patients in the urgent-PCR group compared to 67% in the conventional-PCR group (p = 0.000047), without observing any significant increase in the number of visits to the Emergency Department or worse clinical performance. Conclusions The introduction of urgent PCR in the Emergency Department is a useful tool in the management of infants under 3 months of age with suspected pertussis, since it can avoid unnecessary admissions, diagnostic tests and antibiotic treatments.
Bordetella,Whooping cough,Pertussis,PCR,Infant,Newborn,Emergency Department
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